Leave request workflow

In this article we will explain the workflow of leave request (the workflow of overtime request is very similar). Employees must submit they leave requests to their line manager for approval. If you want to bypass this workflow, you can define that a user has no line manager when created or editing its record (see this article for more details).


You must have created some users and configure one of them as the line manager of another one, as described here. Please note that Jorani uses e-mail in order to notify users at the main steps of this workflow.


Below is the workflow of a leave request that will be discussed into this article.

  • Workflow of leave request

    Workflow of leave request

The employee fills a leave request (see this article for more details) and there is two possible next steps :

  • The employee fills the field status with Planned : no e-mail is sent to the line manager. Of course, the employee can edit later the leave request to change the status to Requested.
  • The employee fills the field status with Requested : an e-mail is sent to the line manager.

In the e-mail received by the line manager, there is two links:

  • Accept to accept the leave request.
  • Reject to reject the leave request.

In both cases, the employee is notified of the choice made by its line manager (by an e-mail).

If the line has no access to his e-mail account, he can validate the leave requests by using the page Validation/Leaves. And if the line manager is unable to validate, the employee can ask to the HR manager/offcier to edit any of its leave requests.

A leave request with the status "Requested", "Accepted" or "Rejected" cannot be modified by the employee. Because modifying the dates or the duration may impact the leave balance report or allow an employee with bad intentions to modifiy a past request. However, if a mistake was made, an employee can ask to an HR officer to modify a submitted request.

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