How to edit a submitted leave request?

A leave request with the status "Requested", "Accepted" or "Rejected" cannot be modified by the employee. Because modifying the dates or the duration may impact the leave balance report or allow an employee with bad intentions to modifiy a past request. However, if a mistake was made, an employee can ask to an HR officer to modify such a request. Please read this article if you want to know more about workflows.


You must have created at least two users as described here. One of the created users must have the role "employee" and another one the role "hr". Connect with the employee's account and create a leave request with the status "Requested".

How to modify any leave request?

Login to the application with an account having "hr" role. Access to the page "List of employees" from the HR menu.

  • List of employees from HR menu

    List of employees from HR menu

This page lists the employees and allows you to access to their lists of leaves and overtime requests. As we want to modify a leave request, we will click on the "leaves" link (the first list icon):

  • List of employees

    List of employees page

This page lists the leaves requests of an employee. If you want to modify a leave, click on the identifier of the leave :

  • list of leaves

    List of leaves

You can now modify the leave request :

  • edit a leave

    Modification of a leave request

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