Configuration of Jorani

You can change the default configuration by modifying the file config/config.php.

Global Configuration

This file doesn't contain email settings (e-mail configuration is defined into config/emails.php) nor the database configuration (config/database.php). These files will be described later in this article.

Variable Description
from_mailE-mail address of notification sender, do.not@reply.me by default
from_nameName of notification sender, Jorani by default
subject_prefixPrefix of notification e-mail subject, [Jorani] by default
leave_status_requestedSwitch this variable to TRUE if you want to create requests with the status requested instead of planified.
default_leave_typeDefault Identifier of leave type. By default, the first id (compensate as it is a system type equal to 0).
languagesList of available langagues (ISO639-1 code with 2 letters). If you want to activate only english and hide the language select box, you can fill this list with en only.
disable_overtimeSwitch this variable to TRUE if you want to disable the overtime module. The "overtime" entries will disappear from the menu, but this will not remove the compensate leave type (it is a system type).
ga_codeGoogle Analytics tracking code.
ga_send_useridTrack users individually by sending the session identifier to Google Analytics

Calendars Configuration

Still in the config/config.php file, edit the following variables:

Variable Description
hide_global_cals_to_usersSwitch this variable to TRUE if you want to hide global calendars (global/tabular) to users.
disable_department_calendarSwitch this variable to TRUE in order to disable the menu entry departement.
disable_workmates_calendarSwitch this variable to TRUE in order to disable the menu entry my workmates.

LDAP Configuration

Jorani supports various scenarios.

The identifier used to connect to Jorani must be identical to the one stored in LDAP. We must therefore create the users in Jorani (with any password, but the same login), as Jorani will not automatically created users (from LDAP). The password stored in the database does not matter, since it is the one stored in the directory that is checked.

Still in the config/config.php file, edit the following variables:

Variable Description
ldap_enabledSwitch this variable to TRUE if you want to enable LDAP authentication.
ldap_hostIP address or name of the LDAP server.
ldap_portPort Number of the LDAP server.
ldap_basednPattern for LDAP authentication, for example uid=%s,ou=people,dc=company,dc=com. You must adapt this pattern according to the configuration of your directory (note for AD: you must activate the LDAP v3 compatibility mode in Active Directory). You must let the symbol %s somewhere in this string. This symbol represents the login. This assumes that all users to be authenticated are stored in the same place in the directory. Otherwise, it would necessary to use the ldap_basedn_db variable.
ldap_basedn_dbSwitch this variable to TRUE if you want to store a specific LDAP authentication path for each user in the Jorani database. If this configuration is activated, an additional field will appear in the form for creating a new user, allowing you to enter this value.

Configuring the database

Jorani only supports MySQL and MariaDB databases.

Locate the following lines of code in the config/database.php file and adapt them to your configuration:

Variable Description
['default']['hostname']IP address or name of the database server.
['default']['username']User (with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, EXECUTE permissions) of the database.
['default']['password']Database user password.

E-mail configuration

Jorani uses PHPMailer component for sending emails.

The configuration of e-mail server is contained in the /config/emails.php file. For example, with GMAIL:

$config['protocol'] = 'smtp';
$config['useragent'] = 'phpmailer';
$config['smtp_host'] = 'ssl://smtp.googlemail.com';
$config['smtp_user'] = 'my.account.@gmail.com';
$config['smtp_pass'] = 'my password';
$config['_smtp_auth'] = TRUE;
$config['smtp_port'] = '465';

Tags :    configure 

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