Edit leave types

Users having HR privileges can modify, create or delete any leave type except compensate leave type which is a system type. compensate leave type cannot be deleted but you can modify its label if you want it to be translated into your language.

The leave type "compensation" can not be deleted or used for something (eg to manage paid holidays), but you can change its label. The important thing is that it is used as an overtime counter. Because if the overtime module is activated, the "compensation" type is increased each time an overtime declaration is accepted.

To edit leave types, select List of types from the menu Admin. From this page, you can:

  • List the types of leave.
  • Modify a type of leave by clicking on the pencil icon.
  • Delete a leave type by clicking on the trash icon (in the column ID).
  • Create a new leave type by clicking on the Create button at the bottom of the page.
  • Export the list of types of leave by clicking on the Export button at the bottom of the page.

Creating a new leave type is straightforward. Click on the Create button at the bottom of the page and fill the form in the popup :

  • Create Leave type form

    Create Leave type form

Below is the description of the fields:

  1. The Name of leave type will appear into almost all the pages of the application. For example in the form used to submit a new leave request
  2. The acronym of leave type can be automatically built from the leave type name with the button. This acronym is used in the tabular calendar for diferientiate the various kind of leave types.
  3. If you check the field Deduct non working days, the non-workings (eg public holidays, saturday, sunday) will be counted as working day when the duration of the leave request will be calculated by the system.

If you want to modify a leave type, click on the pencil icon ( into the list of leave types) and fill the form in the popup:

  • Edit Leave type form

    Edit Leave type form

If you want to delete a leave type, click on the trash icon and confirm the deletion. You can delete any leave type except the compensate leave type because it is used internally for the overtime requests.

  • Delete Leave type form

    Delete Leave type form

How to change the default leave type?

It is possible to configure Jorani so that a given leave type appears first (instead of the type compensation) in the form used to submit a new leave request. This is done by changing the value of default_leave_type in the configuration file.

Change leave types into database

Imagine that you used the leave type "compensation" instead of another type or that you wanted to change credits and requests related to one type to another type. This should be done as below:

  1. Backup the database.
  2. Create a new leave type (by using the application) and write down its id.
  3. Run these SQL queries by changing {new type here} to the number you wrote down in step 2:
UPDATE `leaves` SET `type`= {new type here} WHERE `type`= 0;
UPDATE `entitleddays` SET `type`= {new type here} WHERE `type`= 0;

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